Chiropractic care revolves around spinal function's influence on the nervous system and overall health. After a comprehensive evaluation that includes orthopedic, neurologic, and physical assessments, as well as radiological results, we create a personalized treatment plan. By taking into account individual conditions, lifestyle, patient objectives, and overall health, we employ a variety of techniques to address symptoms at their root.
Our Specialties Include:
Pre/Postnatal Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic Radiology
Worker's Compensation Cases
Spinal & Postural Screenings
Corporate Chiropractic Services
Auto/Personal Injury Treatment
Massage therapy, a holistic approach to treatment, effectively relieves musculoskeletal pain for many individuals. Our practice provides specialized massage and neuromuscular therapy customized to address each practice member's specific needs and injuries. Benefits include enhanced blood flow, decreased swelling, muscle relaxation, pain, and spasm relief, and improved recovery and flexibility.
A diverse range of physiotherapy modalities are utilized to complement and enhance the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments.
Motorized Intersegmental Traction
Interferential Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Cold Laser
Rehabilitative Exercises
Graston Technique
Kinesio Taping (KT Tape)
Paraffin Bath
Experience more than chiropractic alone. We have even more to offer our patients, including:
Why Animal Chiropractic?
When it comes to our beloved animals, the reasons for choosing chiropractic care mirror those for humans — alleviating pain, expediting recovery from injuries, elevating performance levels, and fortifying overall functioning. Working closely with your veterinarian, our aim is to prevent injury and mitigate degeneration, thereby significantly enhancing quality of life.