This notice explains how your health information may be used and disclosed and outlines your rights regarding that information.
Treatment: Shared with healthcare providers to coordinate your care.
Payment: Used to process payments from insurance or other payers.
Operations: Utilized for quality improvement, staff training, and business administration.
Appointment Reminders: You may be contacted regarding your appointments.
Family Communication: Shared with family or caregivers in emergencies unless you object.
Marketing & Sale of Information: Marketing requires written consent. Your data will not be sold without prior authorization.
Legal Requirements: Disclosed as required by law (e.g., public health, law enforcement, judicial proceedings).
Access and Copies: You may request and receive copies of your health records.
Confidential Communications: Specify how and where you want to be contacted.
Restrictions: Request limits on the use/disclosure of your health information.
Amendments: Request corrections to your records if you believe they are inaccurate.
Disclosure Accounting: Obtain a list of disclosures made outside of treatment, payment, or operations.
Copy of Notice: You have the right to receive a paper or electronic version of this notice.
Breach Notification: You will be informed if a breach compromises your information.
Authorization: Written permission is required for uses not listed in this notice.
Change of Ownership: Your records may be transferred to new ownership but remain accessible to you.
For questions or concerns about your privacy rights, contact Douglas Family and Animal Chiropractic at (706) 232-9355.
Complaints can be filed with the Privacy Officer or the Department of Health and Human Services without fear of retaliation.